Building a smart fan controller with Raspberry Pi

P.7/9 2023-11-01

Implementing a 3.3V to 5V Level Shifter for Optimal One-Wire Sensor Performance

One challenge we face is that the Dallas One-Wire humidity and temperature sensor we plan to use works better with 5V levels, even though it may function at 3.3V. The Raspberry Pi outputs 3.3V on its GPIO4 pin for the One-Wire protocol, but we need to shift this to 5V for optimal sensor performance. So, we need a level shifter to convert the 3.3V signal from the Pi to a 5V signal that the sensors can work with.

image of TSH230 and 1w-th-ib2 sensor together

Normally, you could just connect the Raspberry Pi's GPIO4 pin directly to the Dallas One-Wire sensors with a 3.3V pull-up resistor, and you'd be good to go. When level shifting, we still need a pull-up resistor on the One-Wire data line, the only difference is that it can be less powerful since it only needs to pull a short line from the Pi to the level shifter.

Here's a simplified diagram of how a level shifter works(specifically the max3394e):

Image of MAX3394E example diagram level shifting

For data level shifting, I found the MAX3394E, a cost-effective and reasonably fast level shifter. While it's not designed specifically for the Dallas One-Wire protocol (its datasheet mentions SPI, I2C, and Microwire), it should work just fine. The MAX3394E supports speeds up to 1MB/s, which is well beyond the few KB/s our One-Wire network will use. In addition to level shifting, it offers benefits like driving larger loads than the Raspberry Pi and built-in ESD protection—both crucial for running a large One-Wire network, and that we get for free by using it.

I created the following schematic for connecting the MAX3394E to our One-Wire network and Raspberry Pi, with options for a 2.2kΩ or 4.7kΩ pull-up resistor depending on the network size. The 5V side of the One-Wire network ends with an RJ12 connector, making it easy to connect and disconnect sensors to our board.

Diagram of connection to gpiopin4 and level shift to 5v

Additionally, I routed an extra One-Wire line because the MAX3394E can shift two signals. It seemed smart to plan for future expansion in case we need to drive another One-Wire line from our board.

Prev Page.7/9 Next
Cooling a root cellar
Choosing Sensors
Fan Control with a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)
Building the Relay and SSR Control Circuit for Fan Direction and Speed
Designing a Digital-to-Analog Control Circuit for Fan Speed
Building an Ethernet Interface for Raspberry Pi with the ENC28J60T
Implementing a 3.3V to 5V Level Shifter for Optimal One-Wire Sensor Performance
Powering the Controller Board: Designing 3.3V and 5V Supplies
Final PCB Assembly and Testing

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